آی پی امداد

چراغ نورافکن برای مینی دریل سوراخکاری PCB


مدير انجمن تخصصی الکترونیک
مدیر تالار
سلام دوستان
این چراغ برای دوستانی که با مینی دریل کار میکنند مناسب است. با نصب این چراغ میتونید بادقت بیشتری روی قطعه کارتون سوراخ کاری کنید.

After continuous shooting lamps closer to the drill once I finally dokopal to create light drills on PCB.
connection is trivial, it is a 6 white LEDs powering the current source, created by LM317 and R1. The current is set to 57 mA, ie 19 mA per string LED. Current source was also selected because the power drill has a constant voltage and regulates it in the range of about 10-15V.
lighting is connected to the power cable to the drill, to be sure I put in a diode D7 series still had managed to drill shortened by rotating.
Following is mechanically the most difficult task to make DPS, I used a circular saw, drilled so both the circle and the rest dopiloval. Or could be gradually drilled inner circle, outdoor ostřihnout and the whole dopilovat.
[hide] light scow schema.png[/hide]

Here is the PCB design with dimensions of 51 x 51 mm.

List of components:
R1 - 22 SMD size 1206 (or 0805)
C1 - 100n SMD vel. 0,805
C3 - 100M/16V SMD-D
D1-6 - LED 5mm - White
D7 - 1N4148 SMD SOD-80
IO1 - LM317 SMD SO08
K1 - AKR550 / 2 سیم گیر دو پین
