یکی از دوستان از کشور دیگه این متن رو واسم نوشته کسی میتونه بیشتر راهنمایی کنه کامل متوجه نشدم
1. Extract your dump files at the root of your microSD card. You should see bootloader.img, boot.img, data.tgz, recovery.img and system.tgz. Insert the card into the tablet.
2. Install CWM using NovoTools and boot into recovery mode.
3. Navigate to mounts and storage.
4. Using a command prompt, type adb shell.
5. Format everything except /sdcard and /sd-ext.
6. Mount everything except /sd-ext.
7. Enter the following commands on the command prompt.
cat /sdcard/bootloader.img > /dev/block/nanda
cat /sdcard/boot.img > /dev/block/nandc
busybox tar -C /system/ -zxvf /sdcard/system.tgz
busybox tar -C /data/ -zxvf /sdcard/data.tgz
8. After the tablet restarts, do a factory reset to restore root access.