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فیلتــر کردن تماس ها و اس ام اس Melon Mobile Call & SMS f.i.l.t.e.r v1.02.49


Senior Technical Supervisor
معاونت انجمن
Melon Mobile Call & SMS f.i.l.t.e.r v1.02.49 S60v3 Symbian OS9.1 Unsigned Cracked-ErESPDA

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توضیح خاصی این برنامه نداره.
می تونم بگم از بهترین برنامه های موجود در زمینه فیلتــر کردن تماسها و اس ام اس هاست و آخرین ورژن هم میباشد

it all: Block, forward or reply by auto-SMS.
In some situations you cannot or do not want to take a call: on a noisy street, at a relaxed dinner, in a crowded office. You can fully trust Call & SMS f.i.l.t.e.r to manage all calls and SMS you are unable or unwilling to take personally:
*.You want to acceptcalls onlyortext messages only?
*.You’d like to block incoming calls with no sound or vibration and send a customSMS auto-reply?
*.You’d like toforwarda portion of your incoming calls and messages to your assistant?
*.You want to block callers whohidetheir numbers?
*.Keen on making ablacklistorwhitelist?
*.You wantscheduled f.i.l.t.e.ringof calls and texts to adjust the blocking f.i.l.t.e.rs to your lifestyle?
Did you already think of a few use scenarios to make your life easier? Call & SMS f.i.l.t.e.r can handle it! Lightweight enough to beeasily customizable, Call & SMS f.i.l.t.e.r is also powerful enough to protect you from unwanted traffic whenever you need some peace.

Download Here

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