MsgMirror v3.0 S60 v3V5 Syrian Ver Full by zAWS

دوستان همچنین ای برنامه علاوه بر ارسال اس ام اس از طریق بلوتوس از پیامهای شما پشتیبانی می کنه و قادر که پیامهای پاک شده رو برگردونه!

دوستان همچنین ای برنامه علاوه بر ارسال اس ام اس از طریق بلوتوس از پیامهای شما پشتیبانی می کنه و قادر که پیامهای پاک شده رو برگردونه!
Message Mirror is one of the tools you must have on your mobile phone.
Message Mirror can help you
* Find deleted messages.
* Backup messages.
* Secrete private messages.
Message Mirror monitors all incoming and outgoing text messages on your
phone, and records them in a database. The database is a "mirror" of your
messages. Therefore you can browse messages even if you have deleted
them. You can also backup and export all messages to files. You can send
the files to PC/email/MMS. Type of the file can be TEXT, HTML, CSV or
XML. Besides, you can set a password to restrict access to Message Mirror.
Feature v3.00 :
* Some Setting Added ...Such as
* Control indicator icon Horizontal and vertical poistion!
Message Mirror can help you
* Find deleted messages.
* Backup messages.
* Secrete private messages.
Message Mirror monitors all incoming and outgoing text messages on your
phone, and records them in a database. The database is a "mirror" of your
messages. Therefore you can browse messages even if you have deleted
them. You can also backup and export all messages to files. You can send
the files to PC/email/MMS. Type of the file can be TEXT, HTML, CSV or
XML. Besides, you can set a password to restrict access to Message Mirror.
Feature v3.00 :
* Some Setting Added ...Such as
* Control indicator icon Horizontal and vertical poistion!